Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Winter Campout

In Feb we had a winter campout, we went to Farmington Canyon and made snow caves to sleep in. It was a really fun night, for dinner we had tin foil dinners and then for breakfast the next morning the Teachers Quorm was in charge and we had breakfast burritos, for lunch the next day we had sandwiches.

On friday night, some of the boys went on a hike up to the sheds, and Shane Gale and Ethan Clark couldn't catch up with them, so they hiked up the hill instead of on the road, and hid in the trees and when the other scouts came by, they made cougar noises, and scared them half to death, they jumped or fell down the hill and we now tell them to watch out for the cougars.

We had a really fun weekend. THANKS SCOUT LEADERS !!!!

Tyler Hansen

Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is the Uinta Mountains
Hi scouts out there.  This is our blog of BSA Troop 181.  There are nine of us, and we have had multiple adventures with our great leaders "Hatch  Browns" and "Cap'm Kirk."  The first adventure I got to go on was a camping trip in the summer of 2009.  We hiked the Uintas in north east Utah.  We had a great time -- even though it rained.  We got covered in mud and so did all of our stuff.  When my mom asked one of my leaders how the camp out went, he said, "It was wicked fun!"